Software Development Kit

To clarify how to connect to the ista web API, you can download a Demo Application below. The desktop program is made with Microsoft VB.NET and gives you an impression of the power and speed of the Web API features.

Please install Microsoft .NET Framework 4.7.2. You also need an API Key, which you can request via our webportal . Select in the web portal: 'My Profile' and then the 'API Keys' link. Finally, it is also important that your IP address is known to us. Send your IP address to

The demo application gives you access to the data in JSON format and gives examples of how you can request this yourself using VB, C#, PHP or VBA.

The source code of the demo application can be downloaded here. For this you need the Microsoft .NET Framework 4.7.2 Developers Pack. This project was developed in Visual Studio 2017 but can also be opened in older releases.